SW13 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW13 8 is a postcode sector in Richmond upon Thames, UK. Below is a complete list of SW13 8 Postcodes (Active). SW13 8 postcode sector comprises of 48 active postcodes. SW13 8 sector has a population of 1783, and it has 815 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW13 8 postcode sector

SW13 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1783
Addresses / Property Count 815
Active Postcodes 48
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of SW13 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-48 of 48 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW13 8AA 51.48383300 -0.23230300 16 42 522840 177579
SW13 8AB 51.48161500 -0.22953700 5 17 523038 177337
SW13 8AG 51.48159200 -0.22802500 9 23 523143 177337
SW13 8AH 51.48230100 -0.22792600 33 67 523148 177416
SW13 8AJ 51.48313000 -0.22803800 36 64 523138 177508
SW13 8AL 51.48328500 -0.23177700 20 66 522878 177519
SW13 8AN 51.48189400 -0.22896400 4 12 523077 177369
SW13 8BG 51.48182600 -0.23160300 9 35 522894 177357
SW13 8DA 51.48248300 -0.23339200 13 35 522768 177427
SW13 8DB 51.48179600 -0.23318800 4 10 522784 177351
SW13 8DL 51.48521200 -0.23190400 41 91 522864 177733
SW13 8DP 51.48572300 -0.23178300 10 25 522871 177790
SW13 8DQ 51.48515800 -0.23304900 5 7 522785 177725
SW13 8DR 51.48558500 -0.23161600 9 14 522883 177775
SW13 8DS 51.48509200 -0.23111600 18 46 522919 177721
SW13 8DU 51.48557700 -0.23105400 51 92 522922 177775
SW13 8DX 51.48575300 -0.23081700 29 89 522938 177795
SW13 8DY 51.48601900 -0.23059100 22 63 522953 177825
SW13 8EA 51.48329400 -0.23056600 11 18 522962 177522
SW13 8EB 51.48355900 -0.23085900 16 29 522941 177551
SW13 8ED 51.48279600 -0.22972200 14 25 523022 177468
SW13 8EE 51.48388000 -0.23122100 9 29 522915 177586
SW13 8EF 51.48463500 -0.23244400 15 24 522828 177668
SW13 8EG 51.48299200 -0.23017500 16 28 522990 177489
SW13 8EH 51.48427300 -0.23157100 11 17 522890 177629
SW13 8EJ 51.48273300 -0.22916200 15 31 523061 177462
SW13 8EL 51.48274300 -0.22857100 16 30 523102 177464
SW13 8EN 51.48313300 -0.22939200 8 20 523044 177506
SW13 8ES 51.48481500 -0.23291800 9 23 522795 177687
SW13 8ET 51.48370200 -0.23019100 18 43 522987 177568
SW13 8HA 51.48228600 -0.22991400 14 44 523010 177411
SW13 8HB 51.48229900 -0.23079200 4 14 522949 177411
SW13 8HD 51.48270000 -0.23113700 7 18 522924 177455
SW13 8HF 51.48413200 -0.23010200 16 24 522992 177616
SW13 8HG 51.48381800 -0.22952400 14 18 523033 177582
SW13 8HH 51.48434700 -0.22884000 14 22 523079 177642
SW13 8HJ 51.48455900 -0.23096400 6 16 522931 177662
SW13 8HL 51.48459500 -0.23035800 15 31 522973 177667
SW13 8HS 51.48464600 -0.22835400 20 37 523112 177676
SW13 8HT 51.48464600 -0.22835400 23 50 523112 177676
SW13 8HW 51.48356400 -0.22937500 4 8 523044 177554
SW13 8NN 51.48384000 -0.22861500 18 28 523096 177586
SW13 8QY 51.48678200 -0.23047500 36 74 522959 177910
SW13 8QZ 51.48596600 -0.22944000 38 91 523033 177821
SW13 8RA 51.48607700 -0.23021400 51 102 522979 177832
SW13 8RB 51.48420200 -0.22936500 29 54 523043 177625
SW13 8SA 51.48493700 -0.22975400 7 18 523014 177706
SW13 8SB 51.48509000 -0.22917200 7 19 523054 177724
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